
Teens Compass (Milestone Explorer)

Teenage years; a roller coaster ride of emotions and self-discovery.  It is exciting, confusing and sometimes feels like navigating a jungle blindfolded.  But fear not, young adventurers!  Milestone Explorer programs are your survival guide and personal treasure map to conquering this epic quest called adolescence.

Our program will help you uncover your strengths, passions and unique quirks through interactive workshops and self-discovery missions think of it as a GPS for your inner world:  how to deal with peer pressure, manage stress like a boss, navigate the sometimes tricky social landscape no more getting lost in the friend zone; essential life skills your weapons against teenage drama and homework mountains!  Identify your goals, map out your future and discover your purpose which is way cooler than finding Nemo.

Ready to ditch the confusion and embrace the epic adventure of being a teenager?  Sign up
